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Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes
“Knowledge which is divorced from justice, may be called cunning rather than wisdom.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Never injure a friend, even in jest.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own. ”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Nothing is more unreliable than the populace, nothing more obscure than human intentions, nothing more deceptive than the whole electoral system.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“No sane man will dance.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“True glory takes root, and even spreads; all false pretences, like flowers, fall to the ground; nor can any counterfeit last long. ”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Let us not listen to those who think we ought to be angry with our enemies, and who believe this to be great and manly. Nothing is so praiseworthy, nothing so clearly shows a great and noble soul, as clemency and readiness to forgive.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“We should not be so taken up in the search for truth, as to neglect the needful duties of active life; for it is only action that gives a true value and commendation to virtue.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“All pain is either severe or slight, if slight, it is easily endured; if severe, it will without doubt be brief. ”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“A man's own manner and character is what most becomes him.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“I never heard of an old man forgetting where he had buried his money! Old people remember what interests them: the dates fixed for their lawsuits, and the names of their debtors and creditors.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Freedom is a possession of inestimable value.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“The more laws, the less justice. ”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“It is foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness. ”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Every man can tell how many goats or sheep he possesses, but not how many friends.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“In a disordered mind, as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Ability without honor is useless.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“I add this, that rational ability without education has oftener raised man to glory and virtue, than education without natural ability.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Nothing is so unbelievable that oratory cannot make it acceptable.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“A letter does not blush.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“I prefer tongue-tied knowledge to ignorant loquacity. ”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“No one was ever great without some portion of divine inspiration. ”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“The spirit is the true self. The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. ”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
“The nobler a man, the harder it is for him to suspect inferiority in others. Read more at ”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero